Race results first:
As you know, Kayle and I tackled the Redbud Classic 33-mile bike tour Saturday morning. We woke up at 5 a.m. (OK, I'm only happy seeing 6 a.m. or earlier on two occasions: leaving for a vacation or Christmas morning!), got ready and headed out in the pitch black to OKC. We were two of the first people there, and we had no idea what to do, having never done a bike race before. Do you take your bikes up when you get your number? We got there about 10 minutes before the packet pickup was supposed to open so we sat in the car and waited. We saw a couple people head up there having left their bikes in the car, so we did the same. We went back and chilled in the car until it got closer to race time (we got there an hour before it started). Fortunately, our people-watching skills paid off because we also learned to put the number on our backs, which makes total sense. We had to wear long-sleeved shirts over our cool new tops because it was a bit chilly and pretty windy. After that was all done, we got our bikes out and headed to the starting line, after, of course, shooting a few pre-race pictures:
The race was hilly! I had no idea it would be. It was literally 33 miles of hills! The wind picked up about the middle of the race, as forecasted, but fortunately, it was a south wind and the majority of the race was east/west. About halfway through, as we had turned into the 30 mph gusts wind, a really nice guy suggested that Kayle, who was on her mountain bike, adjust her seat up to help her pedal better. Our halfway stop was just ahead so he waited for us and clicked hers up a few notches. Also, they had awesome granola bars there. When we started on the second half, thinking we'd have more down that up hills (since we had a TON of ups on the way there), Kayle was in a better mood as the seat adjustment had helped a lot! There, somehow, was just as many up hills, and they were tough. At about mile 26 or so, we turned south. As I turned, I noticed a huge hill and about halfway up the hill are about 15 people...all walking! I tried my best with all my might to get up that hill, but I, too, had to get off and walk. There were actually two massive hills both heading south into the wind. I wasn't even sure my legs would be able to finish walking up the second one! After that, another big hill forced me off my bike, but I still think I did pretty well. We crossed the finish line together at 3:32. Not bad, especially with all things considered. We got all got a medal, which I wore most of Saturday and Sunday. Hey, I'm freaking proud!
Later that day and the following day, my legs weren't too bad. They were tired, but not really sore. My shoulders, which starting hurting about mile four, have been pretty tight and sore, but I'm impressed with my body.
As for the first part of the title, I've got a story for you. During my long lunch break today, which is now, I went to the pool, like I've been doing a lot on Monday. As I was getting ready to get in, this man randomly asked me when my next event was. It took me by complete surprise! I explained that my first tri is in about two weeks (13 days!!!), and he started asking about it. He said he started racing about a year ago, so I asked if he had any advice. He came over and sat by me and gave me mostly transition advice for about 15 minutes or so. It was fabulous to actually talk to someone whose done it and be able to ask questions in real time. Of course, all the transition talk got me a little worried because I'm pretty unprepared for it. The craziest part about it was that I have no idea how he knew I did events. Do I have the "triathlete" look? Even the athlete look? Does he assume because I'm regularly there? I have no idea, but it made me feel kind of cool that he's noticed. Some vibe I'm getting off, or something. That's awesome. Really.
I've become a lot more comfortable in the past few months volunteering the information about my triathlon. I think I was hesitant for so long because I didn't really see myself doing it, or I thought people would think I'm silly or that I couldn't. I'm so close to proving those people wrong, and after a 33-mile bike tour, I know I can do it. Maybe now that I feel like a triathlete, it's coming across that way. Either way, I'm pretty uplifted by the whole event.
T-minus two weeks!
Wow, 13 days to go before my tri! I never thought I'd get here. I'm freaking out, people! Any last words??? This week, I'm going to focus on my eating still, but with Easter and my sister's birthday celebration, it's going to be tough! Workout-wise, I'm going to get my tough things in this week, so I can taper off next week. I did five 100m sprints at the pool today, and I'm going to do a brick tomorrow (3 mile bike, 1 mile run, x3). I'm also going to try to get an open water swim in, but if the weather doesn't cooperate, I guess I'll take my wet suit to the pool at the gym. I need to train in both! All last ditch efforts before tapering happens next week!
9 years ago
Congrats on your bike race!!
Nice! So cool you got to race with a friend. Hills are so hard! When I first started training I was terrible at shifting and would pop my chain a lot because I did it all wrong. I don't mind long climbing hills as much now, but the short steep ones are beasts!
Excited for you and your upcoming race.
Congrats on your bike race. After biking 6 miles in the wind this morning, 33 miles sounds ultra-impressive! You'll do great at your first tri. My first is on Saturday. My goal is to finish. Trying to keep the pressure to a minimum. There will be plenty more for getting better times, etc. Best of luck!
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