Friday, July 17, 2009

I ran Boomer!

I don't really have time to post because I want to leave to see my amazing boyfriend and one of my best friends in the whole world...who are both waiting for me in Norman as I type!

But, I wanted to share my most recent awesomeness with you. Last night, I ran Boomer. I ran the whole Boomer Lake. The whole 3-mile Boomer Lake course!

For those of you keeping track of my 5k attempts...I've only ever run a continuous three miles once. In December. I couldn't make it through the shoot before vomiting. It was lovely. I did it yesterday in about 35 minutes (same time as in December) with absolutely NO vomiting, or nausea of any kind, and my was one of my best kicks EVER! I felt great. It was absolutely amazing.

My friends left me in the dust as soon as we started (and I was plagued with an awful stitch the first mile or so), but I kept running! Justin also ran it for the first time, so victory there, too!

I ran Boomer!


Kayle said...

Congrats guapa! I'm really proud of you!

Diane said...

Yay for you! Running three miles is a tremendous accomplishment! And now that you've done it a second time, you know it wasn't just a fluke the first time.